Unlock Your AI Profits In 2024:
Build Wealth Faster with Our
5‑Day AI Profit Challenge!

Watch Now: Learn How to Monetize AI in Just 5 Days!

Catch the AI Gold Rush Before It’s Too Late!

We’re at the Start of an AI Revolution: Substantial Wealth Awaits Those Who Act Now!

Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon, says, “we’re at the dawn of a golden age of AI. And we’ve only begun to scratch the surface.”

Bezos made his billions riding the Internet wave early. Now, it’s your turn to ride the AI tsunami to the bank.

Thousands are about to cash in, big-time, thanks to AI. The burning question is: Will you be one of them, or will you be left in the dust?

History is littered with folks who’ve built empires by seizing the moment. They jumped in at ground zero, before the door slammed shut.

Imagine if you had bought Bitcoin in 2011—you'd be swimming in millions. Or if you’d thrown your chips in with Tesla back in 2019, you’d be grinning ear to ear every time you checked your bank balance.

Those ships have sailed. But here we are, standing at the dawn of AI in 2024, and the new gold rush is just kicking off.

Don’t let this one slip through your fingers. We are at the starting line... the first day of a revolution that’s going to shake the world to its core.

Fortunes are ripe for the taking.

So here’s the million-dollar question:

How will YOU grab your slice of the pie?

The answer is simpler than you think. Keep reading to uncover the red-hot, surefire path to generating wealth with AI that you can do in just five days.

No Experience? No Problem. Tech-averse? You Can Still Succeed. This Challenge is for Everyone Ready to Take Action.

And here’s the kicker—you don't need a mountain of cash to start. Just meet one simple requirement:
You must have the guts to take the challenge!




Total price $5,970

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Access the 5 day challenge and 6 bonuses for just $97 $48.50

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We offer an unconditional, no-questions-asked, 100% money-back guarantee for 30 days.


The AI Profit Accelerator:
Your Golden Ticket to Wealth

Bill McIntosh

Hi, I’m Bill McIntosh, known as ‘Million Dollar Mac’ for earning over $100 million in my own businesses. Now, I’m here to guide you to your own success story.

How? By showing you the fast lane to success… a lane most entrepreneurs don’t even know exists.

Let’s get something straight. Spotting the potential in AI is one thing. Turning it into cold, hard cash is another beast entirely.

You could waste years and thousands of dollars trying to crack the AI code alone. Endless hours, half-baked ideas, and frustration.

Or, you could take the smart route with my proven, step-by-step system for building a wildly profitable AI-powered business.

This is no theory. It’s a proven system delivering jaw-dropping results.

We call it:

The AI Profit Accelerator

This isn’t just another run-of-the-mill system. It’s a game-changer. Why? Because it harnesses not one, but two powerhouse resources to supercharge your results.

Here’s the secret sauce behind it… The Force Multiplier Effect

Throughout my career, I’ve looked for ‘force multipliers’—the secret weapons that give me an unfair advantage. Combining two strengths for explosive results.

Think of business titans like Apple. They merge cutting-edge tech with stunning design. That’s their force multiplier, propelling them to the trillion-dollar club.

This strategy isn’t just effective—it’s insanely effective. And I’ve found a killer way to apply this with AI. Nail this, and your results will skyrocket.

So what’s the best way to wield this strategy? Simple. Dive into a goldmine of a market that’s exploding with potential. Let me break it down for you…

The Ever-Expanding
E-Learning Opportunity

Forget the old-school classrooms. Online training is where the future’s at. It’s reported that a mind-blowing 200 million people will jump into online learning this year alone.

And guess what? We’re just scratching the surface. Online learning is booming at an 18% annual growth rate. Polaris Market Research predicts digital course sales will soar past $1 trillion by 2028.

Sales Graph

Here’s the kicker: you only need a tiny slice of that trillion-dollar pie to be set for life. This isn't just an opportunity—it’s a gold rush.

And there’s more. Digital courses offer sky-high profit margins. Once you’ve created your course, you can sell it thousands of times with almost zero fulfillment cost. Almost every dollar goes straight into your pocket.

Sounds like a dream business, right.

Hold your horses—there’s a catch. A hurdle that’s tripped up course creators for years.

The Old Method is Outdated:
The New AI-Powered Solution

Creating a digital course used to be a grueling, time-sucking nightmare.

Doing things the old way meant:

Researching your topic

Creating a course outline

Writing all the lessons

Editing & proofreading your content

Recording lesson voiceovers

Adding video clips


It’s a literal mountain of work... and that’s just scratching the surface. Getting your course ready could take months, maybe even years. By then, the opportunity might have slipped through your fingers.

But guess what? AI just kicked that massive problem to the curb. The AI revolution has turned creating a high-quality course into a breeze...

With the AI Profit Accelerator, creating a booming online business is just two simple steps away.

Step #1

Let AI Create Your Course in Record Time!


With my revolutionary method, forget the late nights and endless toil.

Just input a few ‘prompts’ into a free AI tool. It’s that simple. Describe what you want, and the AI does the heavy lifting. Picture this:

Researching your topic DONE BY AI

Creating your course outline DONE BY AI

Writing all the lessons DONE BY AI

Editing & proofreading your content DONE BY AI

Recording lesson voiceovers DONE BY AI

Adding video clips DONE BY AI

The AI Profit Accelerator covers everything you need to succeed. It includes the exact prompts that work best, the top AI tools, and strategies to optimize your results.

So instead of months, creating your course takes just days—sometimes even hours. AI handles all the grunt work, crafting valuable products with almost zero effort.

Pretty incredible, right? But hold on a sec, how do you actually sell your course?

Ah, that’s where Step #2 comes in…

Step #2

Supercharge Your Sales with the Force Multiplier

Creating a high-quality course is now easier than ever—a true game changer. But creating a course is one thing…selling it is an entirely different beast. Don’t sweat it though, I’ve got you covered.

They call me ‘Million Dollar Mac’ for a reason. The real secret sauce behind my business success has been a closely-guarded secret for decades. But now, I’m spilling the beans.

Years ago, I stumbled upon a discovery that flipped my world upside down. I unearthed the story of a remarkable man named E. Haldeman Julius. He built a business that sold 100 million books. And here’s the kicker—not 10 years ago, not even 50 years ago, but… 100 years ago!

Back then, selling 100 million books was nothing short of a miracle. Naturally, I had to know how he pulled it off. I dissected his methods and scrutinized his unique persuasion techniques.

When I implemented those methods in my own business, sales skyrocketed! And guess what? Those tried-and-true methods work just as brilliantly today as they did in 1919. Because while technology evolves, human nature doesn’t.

That’s why I’ve embedded these little-known yet insanely effective methods into the AI Profit Accelerator.

Once you grasp these ‘lost’ secrets, you'll wield near-magical powers of persuasion. You’ll be able to:

Tap into people’s deepest desires and secret, innermost wants (the ones they’d never admit to anyone else)

Understand exactly what people crave (and how to make them buy)

Craft courses that nail those desires to the letter (creating raving customers who’ll come back for more)

Write sales pages that move your courses like hotcakes (even if you barely scraped by in English class)

In short, you’ll have a turnkey system for creating in-demand courses that practically sell themselves.

Get The Best of Both Worlds

Now you see why the AI Profit Accelerator packs a punch. It marries exclusive persuasion strategies with cutting-edge technology to birth a whole new breed of business.

You genuinely get the best of both worlds:

Exclusive market insights and sales strategies, honed through hundreds of millions in product sales.

A turbocharged course-building system that churns out high-value products almost on autopilot.

Put these together, and you’ve got a blueprint for the perfect lifestyle business. One that lets you:

Ditch your day job and be your own boss

(take control of your future)

Work from the comfort of your own home

(say goodbye to soul-crushing commutes)

Build a business that can reach for the stars

(remove the ceiling on your income)

Spend more quality time with your loved ones

(enjoy flexible hours)

Finally live life on your own terms

(achieve all your life goals)

Today, you’re just one step away from financial and personal freedom. How do you take that step to a better, more fulfilling life?

Ah, that’s the easy part. You can learn everything you need to know in just 5 days…

Join the AI Profit Challenge Today and Be Ready To Profit in Just 5 Days!

Ready to revolutionize your future? Then you need to sign up for the AI Profit Challenge.

In this action-packed, 5-day program, you’ll learn everything you need to know. I’ll walk you through, step-by-step, how to deploy my AI Profit Accelerator. You’ll discover how to launch a brand-new business from scratch and secure YOUR slice of this soon-to-be $1 trillion dollar industry!

Here’s what you have to look forward to:

A 5-Day Challenge To Launch Your Own Profitable Digital Course Business From Scratch Using AI

And here's how it works…

The AI Profit Challenge will be led by yours truly, Bill McIntosh, alongside my team of expert coaches.

Our mission? To get your first digital course built and ready to profit in just 5 days. Sounds wild, but trust me, it's totally doable!

Every day for 5 days, I'll break it all down for you… step-by-step.

I'll cut out all the fluff and make the whole process as straightforward as possible. Here's what we'll cover:

The Strategy

Each day, you'll sit down with me and watch over my shoulder as I walk you through every step of the process.
Each session is about 60 minutes long, giving you the strategy you need to quickly and easily implement each step.
These sessions will take place inside our private, members-only Challenge Portal.


At the end of each session, you'll get daily homework. You need to complete this before the next session.
This daily homework takes no more than an hour (often just 15-30 minutes).
You'll also receive a 1-page checklist of the day's action steps, making implementation a breeze.


Not only do you get 5 days of in-depth training, you also get top-notch coaching and mentorship. This will light a fire under you to execute your daily action steps and get everything done!
You can ask our coaches questions and network with your peers throughout the challenge. Together, we'll make sure you stay on track to succeed.

Your mission—if you choose to accept it—is to take action and complete the tasks given to you. Do that every day for 5 days.

But here’s the deal: demand is sky-high and seats are limited. I’d love to help everyone, but I can’t teach thousands at once.

So the challenge is open on a first-come, first-served basis. Those who are most ready to dive in will get the available spots.

Our only question for you is…

“Will you accept the challenge today?”

5 Days Packed with Actionable Content

If you accept the AI Profit Challenge, buckle up—you’re in for an exhilarating ride. We’ll cover all this and more, setting you up for a life transformation:

Day 1:

Discover Your Perfect Niche


Here’s a colossal mistake creators make: building the course they want to sell, instead of the one people want to buy. That’s a surefire recipe for failure.

To hit the jackpot, you must understand where the demand is. Nail this, and you’ll have a stampede of buyers clamoring for your course.

That’s why on Day 1, we’ll dive into:

The Niche Finder: If the riches are in the niches, then you better know yours. Here’s how to identify the perfect niche market for your new business… even if you have no idea what you want to sell right now.

The Dream Outcome: How to understand what your customers REALLY want so you can sell them a product that delivers it.

The Problem Targeter: How to create a course that sells like hotcakes for years to come… by targeting the RIGHT kind of problem that people are eager to pay to solve.

The Ideal Customer: Who is the right customer for your course? What are their hobbies and interests? Knowing this is key to creating a course that people HAVE to buy.

The Avatar Builder: My fill-in-the-blanks process to create your customer avatar so you have laser focus when building your course and crafting your marketing.


Day 2:

Effortlessly Outline Your Course


Once you know what your prospects crave, it’s time to map out your course! I’ll show you how to effortlessly and effectively structure your lessons, putting you on the fast track to success.

On Day 2, I’ll reveal…

The Idea Generator: How to effortlessly drum up dozens of killer ideas for your course… based on what people search for online, what’s working for others in your niche, and much more.

The Pain Pinpointer: How to zero in on what your prospects are saying about their problems, challenges, pains, and fears… so you can create a course that obliterates their pain points.

The Course Builder: How to outline your entire course in 60 minutes or less. (This is like having an industry expert whispering in your ear, telling you EXACTLY how to structure your course and what to include!)

Tantalizing Titles: How to give your course a catchy, memorable, and compelling name that electrifies your audience! (Many customers will judge your product by its name, so it’s essential you nail this.)


Day 3:

Rapidly Create High-Value Content


This is where the real fun kicks in! Creating all your course content might seem like a massive chore, especially when you’re starting from zero. But follow my lead, and you’ll take the shortcut to success.

On Day 3, you’ll uncover…

The AI Course Creator: No more wasting weeks or months wrestling with your content. Here’s how to create an entire 12-lesson course lightning fast!

The Psycho Analyzer: How to crawl inside your customer’s mind and tap into their emotional “hot buttons” to make your course absolutely IRRESISTIBLE.

The Automation Assistant: How to get AI to handle 90% of the workload. All you need to do is approve your product, make a few final tweaks, and you’re done!

The Media Maker: How to effortlessly transform your lessons into slides, voiceover scripts, ebooks, audiobooks, checklists, and more.

The Cover Designer: How to create stunning 3D graphics that skyrocket the perceived value of your course, allowing you to charge premium prices.


Day 4:

Master Sales and Marketing with AI


What’s the difference between a course that does “okay” and one that rakes in 7 figures? Simple. The creator of the successful course knows how to craft compelling sales copy and convert visitors into eager buyers.

And soon, you’ll be able to do that too—all thanks to the power of AI!

On Day 4, I’ll guide you through…

The Magic Headline: How to craft a high-converting headline that speaks directly to your customer’s dream outcome, practically forcing them to read on!

The Copy Accelerator: How to crank out a cash-cow sales page that works like magic, convincing people to buy. (No experience required. Simply “fill in the blanks” to create million-dollar sales copy in minutes!)

The Report Writer: How to create a ready-to-use lead magnet in seconds, perfect for attracting your ideal customer and growing your email list!

The Email Wizard: How to craft a multi-day email sequence to convert your leads into customers (and your customers into repeat customers!)

The Ad Architect: How to write attention-grabbing ads and video scripts that convert like crazy. Perfect for Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube!

The Content Calendar: How to plan, write, and publish a post for each day of the week. Generate leads from all social platforms… at the click of a button!


Day 5:

Automate Your Business for Maximum Freedom


Running a successful business is the dream for many budding entrepreneurs. But the way most people go about it turns them into slaves to their own business.

That’s why Day 5 is a game changer. On this fifth and final day of the Challenge, I’ll unveil a unique approach to delivering courses that grants you incredible time and lifestyle freedom.

On Day 5, I’ll show you…

The Freedom Fast-Track: How to run 80% of your business on “autopilot” so your business works for YOU (instead of you working for it non-stop!)

The Hands-Off Delivery System: How to quickly and easily set up your members area to automatically deliver your product (so you can just sit back and watch the sales roll in!)

The Content Amplifier: How to turn your AI-generated content into a polished digital course you can sell for high prices… even if you’re a total technophobe and don’t have a website.


Real Success Stories

My AI Profit Accelerator has a rock-solid record of delivering jaw-dropping results. I’ve been selling digital courses and products like this for years to achieve outcomes like these:

$1,799,704 banked from just one offer…

$1,064,951 cleared in another…

$927,129 received in yet another…

No wonder I’m flooded with 5-star reviews and glowing testimonials from ecstatic customers. Take it from these few...

''I had the pleasure of attending Bill McIntosh's live streamed training sessions concerning the building of profitable online courses through ingenious AI prompting! Everything was covered, all the nuts and bolts, inner workings, even detailed traffic getting methods. All delivered by a downhome personable experienced marketing host, Mr Bill McIntosh!''

Bill E.

“I have gotten tremendous value and learned a LOT of valuable insights. This course has given me hope that I can finally find an enjoyable way to generate income to pay my bills and support my family. I'm tired of living without enough money to even get by. So I can't wait to be able to shout my success from the rooftops!”

Regina Floyd

Limited Time Offer

Join at a Shocking Discounted Price!

When you tally up everything you get on each day of the challenge, the total value reaches into the thousands. Comparable online courses typically cost $999.00 or even $1999.00.

Even at those prices, the AI Profit Challenge would be a steal. Billionaire Warren Buffett says, “the most important investment you can make is in yourself.” So investing a couple of grand to make much more makes perfect sense.


But you won’t pay anything close to that to join my challenge. It’s not going to cost you $1000.00, or even $500.00. Here’s the thing: when I was starting out, my mentors helped me get my foot on the ladder. That meant everything to me.

Now it’s my turn to ‘pay it forward’ to the next generation of entrepreneurs. I want to help you just as others helped me.

So you won’t pay $300.00, or even $200.00 to join the challenge. I’m not looking to make a profit—I just want to give back. I know it sounds crazy, but you can join the AI Profit Challenge for just $97.

At least, that’s the regular price. But right now, you get an even better deal. Because I don’t want the price to possibly stand in the way of your success, I’m slashing the price even further!

For a limited time only, you can save an extra 50%—that’s $48.50 back in your pocket!

To claim your discount, use the coupon code GiveMe50 on the checkout page. But this offer is only available for a short time, so be sure to sign up today.

Sign Up Now Before the Deadline and Claim These 6 FREE Bonuses…

Here’s another reason to act fast. I love rewarding those who take decisive action. So if you’re one of the smart ones who join before the deadline, you’ll also get these incredible bonuses, at no extra cost:

Bonus #1:

Private Facebook Group


As soon as you join the ‘AI Profit Challenge,’ you’ll gain access to our private, members-only Facebook community.

Everyone who joins the Challenge will be part of this community. It will be like your family for the next 5 days. Connections are formed, ideas are generated, and everyone motivates and supports each other as you learn and grow together.

Value: $495

Bonus #2:

Session Transcripts


We’ll be covering a LOT of ground over the next 5 days. And since the devil is in the details, we don’t want you to miss a thing. That’s why we’re going to have every session transcribed for you.

These transcripts will be available to download inside the members area just a few hours after each session. And they are yours to keep and refer back to at ANY time so you don’t miss a single detail.

Value: $495

Bonus #3:

“Cliffs Notes” Guides


Each day of the AI Profit Challenge, you’ll be given tasks. You’ll need to complete these to get your digital course fully built and LIVE.

The “Cliffs Notes” Guides act as your companion to the daily training sessions. They’re designed to be used as a quick reference guide that you can keep handy.

Inside each “Cliffs Notes” Guide, you’ll find a summary of the key insights, takeaways, and action steps corresponding with EACH day of the Challenge.

Each “Cliffs Notes” Guide includes:

A checklist of tasks or reminders that need to be completed that day

Plenty of space for taking notes and brainstorming your ideas

The video training links that correspond with each day’s training

Any extra resource links you’ll need to complete the day’s tasks

These “Cliffs Notes” Guides will be created by my team and sent to you via email once the Challenge has ended.

Value: $995

Bonus #4:

LIVE “Ask Me Anything” Session


You’ll also get my direct, hands-on help and feedback in a LIVE, “Ask Me Anything” live stream.

I’ll PERSONALLY answer your questions and give you any direction or guidance you need. If you want, I’ll even help you with any doubts or mindset issues you might be dealing with. Anything goes!

With this “Ask Me Anything” session, I’ll stay on until the last question is answered and make sure you have everything you need to succeed with the Challenge.

Value: $995

Bonus #5:

Additional Seat For A Spouse Or Partner


The ‘AI Profit Challenge’ is an investment in yourself and your future… and you’ll be on a journey that’s challenging, rewarding, scary, and exhilarating all at the same time.

Having the support of your significant other on this journey is a big deal and can make a huge difference to your success. We want you to have that support. That’s why we’re allowing you to bring a partner along for the ride.

They can join in the fun with you and be part of the learning and experience. That way, you can both go through the challenge together, learn together, and create that future life you’ve always dreamed of.

Value: $1,995

Bonus #6:

24-Hour Replay Access


You will also get access to the recordings of each session.

These will be available in the members dashboard shortly after each session. If you’re unable to attend for some reason, this means you’ll have a second chance.

However, these recordings will ONLY be available for 24 hours and will be removed before the next session. This ensures everyone is paying attention, taking action, and staying on track for the entire challenge (from day 1 through day 5).

Value: $995


In total, that’s a value of $5,970 for the bonuses alone. And you get all of them, without paying a cent extra!

Wow! That’s quite a deal. So to ensure you don’t miss out, click below and sign up today:

Asset 2@2x

Risk-Free Guarantee:
100% Money-Back if Not Satisfied!

I’m so confident in the life-changing power of the AI Profit Challenge that I’m offering an unconditional, no-questions-asked, 100% money-back guarantee for 30 days.

Here's how it works:

Sign up today and dive into the Challenge. Attend the LIVE coaching calls, absorb every groundbreaking money-making secret I share, implement the daily action steps, and get personalized support in our exclusive Facebook community.

If at any point during the next 30 days, you feel that the AI Profit Challenge hasn't delivered on its promise…

Or if you don’t see yourself achieving life-changing financial breakthroughs…

Simply reach out to our dedicated customer support team, and they'll promptly process a full refund. No questions asked, no hassle, no fine print.

That's how much I believe in the transformative power that’s in your hands. I'm taking on all the risk, so you can experience the AI Profit Challenge with complete peace of mind.

So don't wait! Seize this opportunity to unlock the secrets of AI-driven wealth creation, backed by a rock-solid guarantee. Join the 'AI Profit Challenge' today…and if it doesn't exceed your expectations, you'll get every penny back.

The choice is yours, but the opportunity won't last forever. Take action now and secure your spot in the Challenge, knowing that your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed.

Choose Your Future:
Join the AI Profit Challenge Today!

Right now, you have a choice. You could continue as you are, working a day job you hate and struggling to make ends meet…

Spending your evenings and weekends trying to launch a side hustle, going down the same dead ends you’ve tried many times before…

Making do with second best instead of enjoying the best in life…

Living the life you’ve been given, instead of creating the wonderful one you deserve.

Now you finally have a chance to break the chains that keep you manacled to a rotten day job.

Creating a better future is as easy as joining the AI Profit Challenge. Become one of the ‘inner circle’ with exclusive access to game-changing coaching, information, and resources.

Don’t miss out. Sign up now and set yourself on the path to success in 2024.

Limited Places Available

I want everyone who takes part in the challenge to get the personal attention and help needed to achieve outstanding results. That’s why I keep the size of the coaching group small.

This means only a few places are available… and they’re selling out fast. To secure your seat while you can, I recommend booking right away. I hate turning people down when they’ve left it too late, and no more places are available.

And remember, your personal 50% discount code (GiveMe50) is only valid for a short time. So book now before the coupon expires.

Don’t Miss This
Rare Opportunity

Once every decade or so, the stars align in a way that makes a new form of wealth creation possible.

We’ve seen how people have made fortunes by getting in early at the right time. They were not only smart enough to see the opportunity but decisive enough to take action.

Now opportunity is knocking at your door—and it’s time for you to take action.

By stumbling across this page, you’ve become one of the few people with ‘inside’ information. You can become one of the lucky few to win big from the AI revolution.

All you have to do is make a small commitment. Simply sign up for the AI Profit Challenge today. Remember, you are fully protected by my 100% ironclad guarantee.

Click below and claim your discount, your 6 free bonuses… and say yes to a wonderful new future.


P.S. Due to high demand, you may experience a delay in the loading of the checkout page. If that happens, please try again later, when fewer people are signing up.

Frequently Asked Questions

This is for complete beginners who want to start an online business from scratch and be ready to start profiting in record time. It’s also for existing business owners who are looking to grow their profits by creating and selling their own digital assets.

As I'm sure you can tell, this is probably not the right training if you're looking to "get rich quick". This is about building a real business and not some fast money pyramid scheme. It takes consistent effort, covering business expenses & persistence to be successful in any business and this is no exception. If you're looking to get rich quick, please do not register.

* While we realize it's common sense, it's important to know that the results we share with you are not average or typical. We're sharing extraordinary results because it's important to showcase what's possible, but In no way should that be considered a promise of similar results. Your results may vary.

To anyone looking for a get rich quick pipe-dream: this is probably not the right training.

Let's face it... get rich quick schemes don't really result in long term wealth.  Sure they sound great, but ultimately it takes providing value to the market in order to build a profitable business.

And of course it takes time, energy & resources building up a business like that.

This training is for those who are willing to take action.  Because building a business takes effort, persistence & time...

Like in building any business, you've got to be willing to hustle, take action and make this work. It takes an investment of both time and money.

But what if you could use the newest strategies & latest cutting edge software?  You just might be able to radically speed up your path to profit compared to traditional methods!


This site is not part of the Facebook, X or Google websites or Facebook Inc., X Corp. or Google LLC. Additionally, this site is NOT endorsed by Facebook, X, Google or any other site we may advertise on in any way.

FACEBOOK, X and GOOGLE are trademarks of their respective companies.